Attorneys at law

12 March, 2025 | 06:24 (Kyiv)

Practice areas

Our contacts

Ul. Petlyury, 13/135
Kyiv, 01032, Ukraine

tel: +38 044 592 00 88

fax: +38 044 289 32 33


Individual services

  • Family law, including divorce, partition of property, custody of children, determination the child’s place of residence, determination of paternity, collecting child support and alimony in Ukraine and abroad

Lawyers T&O Buyanovskaya advise on the rights of spouses, parents and children according to the local legislation of Ukraine, foreign states and international law.

Lawyers T&O Buyanovskaya with participation of foreign lawyers have successfully provided representation of client’s interests in settlement negotiations in the disputes for collecting the child support from debtors in Austria (Vienna), Switzerland (Bauen), England (Lincoln), Czech Republic (Most), etc.

The lawyers T&O Buyanovskaya with participating of lawyers from Germany have provided representation of the client’s interests in the matters of determination of paternity and collection of child support in national courts of Germany, including Amtsgericht Dieburg, Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt Am Main, Amtsgericht Düsseldorf, Amtsgericht Fürth, Oberlandesgericht Nürnberg, Amtsgericht Leipzig, Amtsgericht Kempten(Allgau), Oberlandesgericht München, Amtsgericht Erlangen, etc. As a result of cooperation of the lawyers of Ukraine and Germany:

  • - there has been determined paternity of children residing in Ukraine from their fathers-citizens of Germany. The mothers- citizens of Ukraine received the court assistance in Germany, and they have been exempted from costs for payment of the fee of the lawyer of Germany, expertise costs and the court fee for consideration the determination paternity matter in court of Germany.
  • - children residing in Ukraine receive the child support from their fathers- citizens of Germany or fathers- permanent residents in Germany. The mothers- citizens of Ukraine received the court assistance in Germany, and they have been exempted from costs for payment of the fee of the lawyer of Germany and the court fee for consideration collecting the child support matter in court of Germany.
  • Appeal against the refusal of visa.

Lawyers T&O Buyanovskaya jointly with foreign lawyers provide representation of interests of citizens, who has been refused in temporary entrance visa, the permanent residence visa, in corresponding competent bodies with the purpose of appeal of refusal and obtaining the entrance visa.

Lawyers T&O Buyanovskaya in cooperation with lawyers of Germany have successfully provided representation of interests of clients in the procedure of appeal of refusals in temporary entrance and entrance for permanent residence (the Jewish, German emigration) in the Embassy of Germany in Ukraine, in administrative court (Berlin), in Federal department on migration and refugees (Bundesamt fur Migration und Fluchtlinge). As a result of joint actions of lawyers of Ukraine and Germany appeals to refusal to issue visa by the Embassy of Germany have been satisfied, citizens of Ukraine have received the entrance visa to Germany

Lawyers T&O Buyanovskaya with assistance of lawyers of Ireland have successfully provided representation the client’s interests in the procedure of appeal of refusals of the Embassy of Ireland in temporary entrance in corresponding department of the Ministry of Justice of Ireland Dublin (Immigration and Citizenship Division of the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform) and before the competent person (Visa Appeals Officer; Immigration and Citizenship Division of the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform). As a result of joint actions of lawyers of Ukraine and Ireland the appeal to refusal to issue visa by the Embassy of Ireland has been satisfied, citizens of Ukraine have received the entrance visa to Ireland.

  • Collecting debts in Ukraine and abroad
  • Purchase and alienation of objects of the property in Ukraine and abroad
  • Wills and inheritance
  • Immigration and nationality
  • Personal injury claims
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